Want your artwork featured in the Local Artist Sticker Machine???
We want it too!!
Submissions are collected during the open the submission window to be judged all at once. Artists are welcome to submit their art even if they have been accepted or rejected in the past. We want to see your new work!
Here are the submission deadlines for 2025:
April 10th 2025 (judgement results will be delivered out April 18th)
August 5th 2025 (judgment results will be delivered August 15th)
December 1st 2025 (judgment results will be delivered December 12th)
For these three submissions windows, all mediums will be considered, however we LOVE and try to favor traditional mediums.
Please read the submission guidelines for how to submit! Feel free to send in questions after!
Send submissions to
Local Artist Sticker Machine Submission Guidelines:
You must be 18 years or older to submit!!
OVERVIEW: The Local Artist Sticker Machine is a project intended to promote local artists through stickers. About 24 artists will be chosen for the opportunity each year. Artists chosen will have their art printed as stickers, displayed with a short bio, and will receive 8% royalties for stickers we print (4 cents per sticker).
We collect submission over a 3-4 month period and judge them all at once with a panel of judges. You will be notified if your images are accepted given short contract to explain how many stickers are going to be be printed and when they go to print!
Artists who have submitted before are always welcome to submit their art again!
SIZE: The original art can be any color, size or shape so long as it, or a photo of it can be modified to fit the 3"x4" constraints. You can select images that you have already made as a promotion of your artistic style or you can design a new image. It could be a large painting, digital drawing, a detail of a drawing, photo, or piece designed specifically as a sticker. Stickers can also be contour cut to ANY shape!
We are looking for completed works which are fully rendered and representative of your individual unique style as an artist! We tend to accept works that make a cohesive series— by theme, style, characters, color palette etc.
Images that translate best to stickers have graphic styles, hard black/white lines and/or bright colors. (hint: imagine the art printed in a tiny thumbnail and seen from 5 feet away- will it be visible and interesting printed small?).
We will not accept images with foul language or grotesque/violent themes, any form of “fan art”, images of copyrighted material, branding and logos, or material whose intrigue relies solely on the recognition of content created by someone other than the artist submitting (i.e. drawings based on someone else's cartoons, comic, movie etc.) Occasionally nude figures and political statements make the cut.
We strongly encourage you to sign your work! This can be initials, signature, symbol or handle, but please keep the size of your signature to a tasteful scale so it doesn’t dominate the image. If you signature is too large we may ask you to modify it.
· Final images should be high-quality scans 300 dpi or larger. We will digitally scale them to the right size. They can be in many formats .jpg .pdf .tiff .ai .ps are some examples that work well. Please do not submit via google drive.
· Please submit 4-8 images and we will help decide which images, if any, will be most appropriate for that run and portray your style in a cohesive way.
· Include your mailing address so we can send a check
· Include the following for your artist label:
o your full artist name
o medium or type of artist you are (i.e. illustrator, painter, comic artist etc)
o a couple ways for folks to reach you (website, IG, Esty, email etc)
This information will be displayed with your stickers!
Email your final images to
Artists will receive a check for royalties following printing (4 cents per sticker). If we print your works, artists also may request to order stickers for their personal use at 50 cents each, please specify ahead of time.
Thanks we can’t wait to see what you send in!